
Should I Be Concerned If My Roof Is Discolored?

Have you taken a look at your roof lately? If you haven’t, it might be worth stepping outside and taking a quick glance. There’s a big possibility of your roof going through some unsightly changes that may have you feeling a bit alarmed. But is a discolored roof enough cause for concern? Ask the professionals at Roof Bear Tampa! We’ll teach you about the warning signs and causes of a compromised roof and what you can do to help remedy the situation.

Why Is There Discoloration On My Roof?

Discoloration can come in many forms, but one of the most common is black streaks running down the roof. When this happens, it’s typically due to algae spores that land on top and are activated by moisture. The moss continues to grow until it takes over or gets dried up in the blistering heat. Streaks can also come from the rust that washes off of the metal flashing whenever it rains. Sometimes, the problem lies in the roofing itself when the shingles become so old that the components lying underneath the surface start showing after extensive wear and tear. But are any of these instances anything to be worried about? It all depends on the source of the discoloration.

When Roof Discoloration Needs Attention

It probably comes as no surprise that having noticeable streaks and other forms of discoloration throughout your roof can greatly hurt your curb appeal and, in turn, your property value. But if the problem is due to rust exposure, it might not be alarming enough to be a direct threat to your safety. With algae, it depends on whether or not it has evolved to the point of inducing dry rot which can compromise your roof’s integrity. Discoloration due to worn-out shingles should be tended to as soon as you can since your shingles directly affect the protective qualities of your roof.

Ways To Treat Or Repair A Discolored Roof

Algae is possibly the easiest problem to take care of, at least in the early stages since all that’s required is a little clean-up. But before you grab your keys to go to the store for cleaner, there are some things to keep in mind. For one, the chemicals that are found in most cleaners can do more harm than good by causing your shingles to deteriorate and reducing their lifespan. You could choose a more natural method through chemical-free pressure-washing, but too high of a pressure can knock your granules loose and wear out your shingles sooner than you would like. For the safest way to clean and treat your roof, it’s best to leave it to professional roofers in your area. They will also be able to tell you whether you should repair or replace your roof.

Best Tips For Preventive Roof Care

The best way to deal with a discolored roof is to keep up with proper roof maintenance as a proactive way to keep algae and rust from overstaying their welcome. It also helps to invest in high-quality roof shingles that are capable of defending against the usual causes of discoloration among other things.

Your Go-To Roofing Company Near You!

Roof Bear Tampa offers roof maintenance, repairs, and replacements at your convenience. So the next time you’re facing roof discoloration, just leave it to us! All you need to do is give our friendly team a call and we’ll help you out in any way we can. Be sure to ask us for a free estimate on your next installation or service.