
2023 Hurricane Season Roof Prep Every Floridian Should Know

When faced with an intense hurricane, the roof of your home might be the first thing to go. Whether it be the entirety of the layout or just a portion of it, it’s common for roofing to lift and tear due to strong winds. As a Floridian who sees frequent hurricane seasons each year, what can you do to help prevent this from happening? Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of foresight. The professionals at Roof Bear Tampa have come up with this small guide on 2023 hurricane season roof prep every Floridian should know.

Why It’s Never Too Early For Roof Preparations

If the peak of storm season typically isn’t until around August, then why discuss roof preparation now? The reason why it’s never too early to prepare for the storm season is that if your roof is in need of repairs and maintenance, you want to give yourself enough time to get these tasks done in time for when things hit the fan. And if you’re hiring a reputable roofing company in your area, their workload could get busy closer to the hurricane season as everyone is getting in their last-minute inspections and other roofing services. But what should you be looking out for, and how do you know when it’s time to call up a roofing contractor?

Things To Keep An Eye Out For

Any weakened part of a roof can be an access point for the wind to get underneath and cause lifting, and these compromised areas can also let in rainwater. It can be dangerous to get up on your roof and look around, and you might not even know what to look for which is why it’s best to hire a specialist who’s qualified to handle inspections. But even if you don’t check the roof yourself, there are other things you can do to prepare your property for the storm season. Just refer to our roof preparation checklist below!

Roof Preparation Checklist

● Check the integrity of your metal anchors to ensure that they will hold your roof in place during high winds.

● Ask your roofing inspector to take a look at your weatherstripping situation to help prevent water leakage.

● Make sure there’s nothing in your yard that can get lifted up by the wind and impact your roof.

● Review your insurance policies regarding roof damages during storms and make sure your coverage is up to date.

● Keep tarps on hand in case you need a quick patch-up.

● Have the number for a reliable roofing company on hand to handle emergencies.

Call Your Local Roofing Experts For Help!

Making sure your roof is well-maintained in time for the upcoming hurricane season in Florida is crucial in ensuring the security of your property. The professionals at Roof Bear Tampa are equipped with the skills and know-how to give your roof a thorough inspection and perform the necessary repairs to give you peace of mind when the harsh weather is knocking on your door. Call us today to ask about our list of services and to receive a free estimate!